Elemental Sulphur Prills – BioGro
Sulphur is the 4th most needed nutrient for plants, so it's vital for strong healthy plant growth. Fertco's prilled elemental sulphur is perfect for pasture, crops or anywhere sulphur is needed. Unlike most forms of sulphur, the sulphur in Fertco's Elemental Sulphur Prills is 100% available to plants, providing a sustained release for an entire year. The unique prilled form is not only dust-free, but is easily mixed with your fertiliser, and allows more accurate placement. BioGro certified product.
Chemical Analysis:
Sulphur (S): 90
Application Rate:
Depends on soil test results; Typically 30 - 50kg is required for pasture
25kg, 500kg, 1000kg, Bulk