Fertco’s unique range of fertiliser products are ideal for use on sheep and beef farms where application on high country pasture can be difficult and costly. For example, our Dicalcic Phosphate (DiCal 12) has three times the amount of phosphorous as traditional dicalcic phosphate, so less needs to be spread. Costs are also reduced because it can be applied with lime and blended with most other fertiliser. Because it releases phosphate at a controlled rate matching plant requirements, there is no need for splitting phosphate dressings, and less is lost to the environment through run-off.
Our Fertiliser Consultants understand that fertiliser plans for sheep and beef farmers need to address more than just soil and plant chemistry, soil physicality and soil biology. They know that soil pH and liming are factors, as are soil type, topography, and rainfall. They also realise that each farmer’s systems and goals are different, and that a partnership approach is the best way to achieve whatever results their farmers are looking for.

The Fertco CloverZone is a soil and plant testing and reporting tool that combines a soil management plan and fertiliser programme, designed to position soils in the optimum condition to maximise clover growth.
Fertco Services

Soil & Herbage Testing
As a science-based organisation, soil and herbage tests underpin everything that we do. We use New Zealand testing labs who provide clear, consistent results based on years of trials and regularly calibrated procedures. This provides a strong foundation for us help you develop and maintain an effective fertiliser management plan.

Quality Advice & Nutrient Budgets
At Fertco, we commit time and resources to train our people. We know that recommending the best fertiliser programme for your soil is only part of the story, so are equipped to prepare a full nutrient budget report for both efficient nutrient management and compliance purposes.

Customised Recommendations
Every property is different, and so is every farmer, so we don’t have generic ‘one-size-fits-all’ products. Although we base our recommendations on soil and herbage tests, our aim is to develop a fertiliser programme in partnership with you to suit your specific property and individual goals. Customised orders are all in a day’s work for us!

Environmentally Sustainable Products
Sourcing environmentally sustainable products is what Fertco has always been about (see About for our story). We select products that mitigate nutrient losses and test everything for contaminants and impurities. It’s equally important to us that what we source from around the world is ethically produced.

Fertco provides high quality innovative products to the New Zealand primary industry while focusing on nutrient efficiency and sustainability.

Arthur Payze
National Sales Manager
021 490 094

Neil Macdonald
Commercial Manager
027 232 7335

Tony Montier
Technical Nutrient Manager
North Waikato & Auckland
027 665 5482
Andrew Marles
Technical Nutrient Manager
Bay of Plenty, Coromandel, Gisborne & East Cape
021 860 200

Murray McEwan
Technical Nutrient Manager
Central Waikato
027 580 6881

Colin McLean
Technical Nutrient Manager
South West Waikato
027 573 0330

Simon Budd
Technical Nutrient Manager
Bay of Plenty
027 665 5481

Paul Holloway
Technical Nutrient Manager
Taranaki & Whanganui
027 230 1940

John Heald
Technical Nutrient Manager
027 492 0370