Organic Boost – BioGro
Organic Boost is Fertco's complete soil and plant food blend providing a one stop, no fuss solution for horticulture and lifestyle blocks. Organic Boost is a BioGro certified product, comprised of naturally sourced macro and micro elements, humates and biostimulants designed at doing just what is says – boosting soil biology and natural plant processes. All while looking after the environment too. Powered by Protamin.
Nutrient Analysis:
Nitrogen (N): 2.5
Phosphorus (P): 3.5
Potassium (K): 3.36
Sulphur (S): 4.41
Magnesium (Mg): 2.76
Calcium (Ca): 10
Application Rate:
Fruit up to 3 - 5kg/ha
Vegetables up to 200g/m2
Pasture up to 250 - 300kg/ha
25kg, 500kg, 1000kg, Bulk